Having worked with clients at all stages of their business life, we know how to assist clients through their growing stages and provide support in all phases of maturity.
Each of our clients is different– so the service we deliver is dinamicaly injected to our client business. We are flexible, transparent and we strive to exceed our clients’ expectations on a consistent basis.
Commitment to quality is a fundamental philosophy of our team.
Whether you are just starting out, getting ready to expand or thinking about moving on, we are the right parteners to work with.


Dear Sir or Madam,
It is my pleasure to recommend Mrs. Roxana Geangu. From Mai 2014 through August 2015, Roxana worked as an external accountant and tax consultant for your daughter company BMB Kabeltechnik SRL. As a German company we were looking for an expert for Romanian and German bookkeeping which is able to translate the different account structures into one system.
Roxana maintains professional behaviour even under high pressure and in the most stressful situations. She is a respected expert within her field. She has become a reliable go-to person for many requests within our company. Roxana was a very diligent employee and always maintained a very high quality standard for her work. She has demonstrated a deep understanding of her field and is a highly talented and committed leader with great management and people skills.
Roxana has done an excellent job, and I do not hesitate to recommend her as an accountant and/or tax consultant. Do contact me if you have any further questions.

Roxana Geangu has collaborated with our company in the time-period 2014-2016, while she proved herself as a person with a high level of expertise in the Financial-accounting field, dedicated to her own work and with a continuous desire for finding new challenges.
Since the very beginning of the collaboration, Roxana has demonstrated self-initiative and enthusiasm and after only 6 months she brought her efforts in implementing with success the upgrade to a new version of software for accounting keeping, project which needed involvement and real efforts from her side.
Roxana is a competent and well organised person, she actively involved herself during this time-period for fulfilling the deadlines and achieving the professional tasks.
She is a creative person, responsive, always searching for solutions solving the problems, available to work within any project allocated to her.
The leader abilities, initiative and strategic thinking proved by her recommend her entirely for a top-management position.
Concerning the relationships, Roxana is leading the team through her own example, while her enthusiasm inspires and motivates the subordinates, submitting efforts for building an efficient and unified team.

Still as student of the University of Sibiu, Roxana Geangu joined my company KARPATUS SRL as “helping hand” for our external accountant. Only some weeks later she already understood the administrative and accounting processes within the company so perfectly that she could take over all related activities independently and the external accountant had to control only monthly the official reports to the fiscal department.
Roxana is very intelligent, acting disciplined and reliable. Soon she became the “Soul” of the company, taking over all activities, which are not directly related to our technical and sales business.
Logically therefore, Roxana promoted to our Financial Director.
As I trust Roxana in every aspect as reliable and especially honest person, she got complete competence to deal independently with our banks and government departments.
Roxana manages her job very professional, with enthusiasm, but sensitive to the feelings of her colleagues, when optimizing business processes, which she found necessary.
Although Roxana was a very valuable member of the company, I understood that she wanted to build up her own business, becoming her own boss. As Roxana is still now managing all accounting activities through her own company, we are glad to have her as a partner whenever we need her.
I thank Roxana for her excellent job within KARPATUS SRL and wish her every personal and professional success in the future.
Warmest regards

Als Deutsches Unternehmen mit den Atributen einer deutschen Firma hat man es nicht leicht auf dem rumaenischen Markt. Zwei voellig verschieden Geschaeftswelten treffen auf einander. Die gute Ausbildung von Arbeitern sowie Angestellten erleuchtern Ihnen den Einstieg Ihrer Firma in Rumaenein. Die unterschiedliche Erziehung der rumaenischen Mitarbeiter stellt sie vor Aufgaben, die unterschiedliche Gesetzeslage stellt sie vor Probleme und erfordert ein hohes Mass an Flexibiltaet.
Bei all diesen Aufgaben und Problemen wuensche ich Ihnen das Glueck und eine goldene Hand , wie wir sie bessen haben bei der Auswahl von Roxana Geanghu und Ihrem Team von GNG ….
Als Vermittlerin zwischen den beiden Welten sowie bei der Umsetzung Ihrer Ziele koennen sie jederzeit auf die Lozalitaet und die Proffesionelle Arbeitsweise von Roxana verlassen. Sie wird Ihnen immer ein Weg aufzeigen und eine Loesung erabeiten die fuer beide Seiten eine akzeptable Loesung darstellt.
Ob sie Hilfe benoetigen in finanziellen Fragen oder einfach einen privaten Ratschlag zur Unterstutzung Ihrer Entscheidung Roxana wird Ihnen diese Hilfe niemals abschlagen.
Vielen Dank fuer 5 Jahre Zusammenarbeit bis heute und auf weitere gute und erfolgreiche Jahre.

I started beginning of 2012 as Manager from Otto International SRL, the buying office in Romania from Otto Versand Germany.
Soon after my start we found out that it was necessary to make a financial control of 2011. Via our lawyer-office we came to GNG Business Controlling and to the director and founder, Roxana Geangu.
From the first meeting, i was convinced that this office could do perfectly the job we needed them for. Energy, drive, knowledge, character and honesty were keywords during the controlling, which took a couple of weeks, ending up with a professional and useful report.
After this collaboration we decided to change our external accountancy office. No doubt that we would like to continue our business together with GNG Business Controlling.
During this period, we experienced that GNG Business Controlling is a professional, a continuously developing and very dedicated company. Partly thanks to them, we made steps in getting the financial part of our business under control. I recommend to every serious business, a collaboration with GNG Business Controlling.

GNG Philosophy: “Dedicate a team of accounting professionals to each client.”
For the past 13 years we gained know-how in multinational companies workflow, more than 40 customers. Our clients recomand us as trustfull and profesional partner!
GNG provides full-charge bookkeeping services, including general journal and subsidiary ledger maintenance, bank statement reconciliation, and receivables and payables tracking and analysis.
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